5 MORE Tax-saving Tips Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Oklahoma City Small Business Accounting Firm

In the complex world of small business finances, understanding tax-saving strategies is essential. It's not just about abiding by regulations; savvy business owners know that an effective tax strategy can significantly enhance their profitability.

That's where an experienced Oklahoma City Small Business Accountant like CMM Financial can play a pivotal role.

As an accomplished accounting firm in Oklahoma City, CMM Financial brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

Our team of qualified CPAs and accountants specializes in OKC accounting and bookkeeping services, meticulously designed to help small businesses optimize their finances.

This article, a follow-up to our earlier piece outlining key tax-saving tips, offers five more strategies small business owners should be aware of.

If you haven't read the initial part yet, we strongly recommend you to check out Part 1 HERE for a comprehensive understanding of tax-saving practices.

1. What are the Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make with Their Taxes?

Every small business owner aims to steer clear of mistakes when it comes to taxes. However, certain pitfalls tend to trip up many, creating complications that could lead to financial setbacks or penalties. Here are some of the frequent tax-related mistakes small business owners make:

  • Incorrect Filing or Payments: Small businesses often have unique tax obligations compared to individual taxpayers. Misunderstanding these requirements can result in missed deadlines or incorrect filings, which could invite unnecessary penalties.

  • Underestimating and Underreporting Income: Without a solid record-keeping system in place, it's all too easy to underestimate your income or expenses. This could lead to underpayment of taxes, resulting in potential IRS penalties.

  • Mixing Personal and Business Expenses: Business and personal expenses should always be kept separate. Combining these expenses can complicate record-keeping and might lead to disallowed deductions by the IRS.

  • Poor Record-Keeping: Proper record-keeping is crucial for tax purposes. Maintaining a thorough record of income, expenses, and other tax-relevant documents aids in accurate tax filing and compliance.

  • Overlooking Deductions: Numerous deductions are available to small businesses. However, overlooking these or claiming deductions that you're not eligible for can lead to IRS penalties.

Avoiding these tax pitfalls can save your small business considerable time, money, and stress. Consider these additional tips:

  • Seek Professional Help: If you're unsure about handling your taxes, hiring a small business accountant or a qualified CPA can be beneficial.

  • Stay Updated with Tax Laws: Tax laws are frequently updated. Staying informed about these changes can help you meet your tax obligations accurately.

  • Leverage Tax Planning Strategies: Tax planning strategies can help your small business save on taxes. Engaging a trusted OKC CPA can help in this regard.

  • Maintain Good Organization: An organized record-keeping system simplifies accurate and timely tax filing.

  • Avoid Procrastination: Early tax filing leaves enough time for thorough review, ensuring accuracy.

An experienced accounting firm, like CMM Financial, with its proficient OKC accounting and bookkeeping team, can be an invaluable asset for avoiding these common tax mistakes and guiding you towards a hassle-free tax journey.

2. How Do I Write a Business Plan?

Crafting a business plan is a vital step for every small business owner. It functions as a roadmap, guiding your business towards its objectives. It's particularly important for:

  • Securing Funding: A well-written business plan can be instrumental in acquiring loans or attracting investors. It signifies to them your seriousness about your business's success.

  • Attracting Customers: It illustrates your in-depth understanding of your target market and your capacity to deliver valuable products or services.

  • Effective Business Management: Tracking your progress, identifying improvement areas, and making strategy adjustments are made easier with a solid business plan.

While no single formula fits every business plan, a comprehensive plan typically encompasses:

  • Executive Summary: An overview of your business plan, summarizing its key points.

  • Company Description: Detailed insights about your business, its offerings, target market, and competitive standing.

  • Market Analysis: This scrutinizes the market for your products or services, evaluating market size, growth trends, and key competitors.

  • Marketing and Sales Plan: It delineates your strategy to reach your target market and sell your products or services.

  • Management and Organization: Information about your team and their roles within the business.

  • Financial Plan: Financial performance projections, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

For first-timers crafting business plans, multiple resources can be of assistance, including free tools and templates from the Small Business Administration (SBA) or numerous online courses and books.

Here are a few tips for small business owners:

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure your business plan is comprehensible. Avoid jargon and overly technical terms.

  • Realistic Projections: Avoid over-promising or overstating financial projections.

  • Specifics Matter: Provide detailed information about your offerings, target market, and marketing strategy.

  • Solicit Feedback: Involve other business owners, mentors, or advisors to review your plan and provide their input.

Remember, a business plan isn't static. Regular updates are necessary as your business evolves. A comprehensive, well-crafted plan can significantly enhance your small business's success chances.

For small businesses seeking professional assistance, CMM Financial's Small Business Domination package provides expert help.

As a leading Oklahoma City Accounting Firm and Small Business Accountant, we can guide you through the complexities of writing a comprehensive business plan, ensuring your roadmap aligns with your vision.

3. How Do I Sell My Business?

Selling a business involves a complex process that requires strategic planning and execution. A significant part of this process is maintaining financial transparency, which significantly impacts the value of your business.

Having a reliable accountant or CPA, like our team at CMM Financial, an esteemed Oklahoma City Accounting Firm, can be invaluable during this process.

Financial Transparency and Business Value

To maximize your business's value, the primary step is maintaining up-to-date and accurate finances. Buyers are keen to understand your business's profitability and its solid financial foundation.

Your books should be current and precise, and all financial records should be readily available. Consider getting a professional appraisal of your business to better understand its worth.

Marketing Your Business

Once your finances are organized, you must devise a robust marketing plan. This plan should articulate your business's identity, its target market, and the competitive advantages it holds. It should also include a timeline and a budget for your marketing campaign.

Outreach to Potential Buyers

The next step is to begin spreading the word about your business. You can use online channels, networking events, and direct outreach to connect with potential buyers. Hiring a business broker can also be a great help in selling your business.

Setting a Fair Price

Pricing your business requires striking a balance. You must be realistic about your business's worth. Researching similar businesses in your industry and understanding their selling prices can provide guidance.

Negotiation and Compromise

It's important to anticipate negotiations regarding your business's price. Be prepared to compromise to reach a fair agreement.

The goal is not only to sell your business at the highest price but also to find a buyer who is a good fit for your business.

Improving Financial Management

To enhance your business's financial health, consider these tips:

  • Close Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your income and expenses. It allows you to identify areas to cut costs or boost revenue.

  • Budgeting: Create a budget and strictly adhere to it. This practice helps to manage finances more effectively and avoid unexpected financial hiccups.

  • Seek Professional Assistance: If finance management seems daunting, consider hiring professional help, such as a bookkeeper or an OKC CPA.

By following these tips, you can enhance your small business's value and potentially sell it at the highest price.

As a premier Oklahoma City Small Business Accountant, CMM Financial is here to guide and assist you through this intricate process.

4. What are the Best Practices for Managing Cash Flow?

Proper cash flow management is a cornerstone of small business survival and growth. It enables you to understand your income and expenses better, plan your financial activities, and make informed decisions.

With CMM Financial, a renowned Oklahoma City Accounting Firm, you can leverage our bookkeeping and financial strategy services to maintain optimal cash flow.

Effective Cash Flow Management Strategies

Below are some best practices for managing your cash flow:

Monitor Your Cash Flow Regularly: Regular tracking of your cash flow can alert you to potential issues before they become critical. Monitoring can be done weekly, monthly, or quarterly depending on your business needs.

Maintain a Cash Reserve: Uncertainties are a given in business. By setting aside a cash reserve, you can ensure your business can weather unexpected costs without destabilizing your operations.

Collect Receivables Promptly: Swift collection of accounts receivable helps maintain a healthy cash flow. Implementing policies such as early payment incentives or penalties for late payments can expedite the collection process.

Delay Payables When Possible: While it's crucial to pay bills on time, you can improve your cash flow by extending payable periods where possible and taking advantage of payment terms.

Manage Inventory Efficiently: Excess inventory can tie up your cash. Regularly review your inventory and maintain an optimal level to avoid overstocking and understocking.

Forecast Cash Flow: Forecasting your cash flow can provide you with a clear understanding of your future financial position. It can aid in identifying periods of potential cash deficits in advance, allowing you to take corrective actions.

How Small Business Accounting Firm CMM Financial Can Assist

As a leading Oklahoma City Accountant, we at CMM Financial offer bookkeeping services that can help you manage your cash flow effectively. By organizing and maintaining your financial records, we provide you with a clear picture of your financial status.

With our financial strategy services, we can help you develop cash flow management strategies tailored to your business's unique needs and goals.

Remember, effective cash flow management is not just about survival—it's about creating a foundation for sustainable growth. As your trusted OKC CPA, we're here to support you in this crucial aspect of your business.

5. How to Grow My SMall Business?

Sustaining and growing a business is often at the heart of every small business owner's mind. While each business comes with its unique challenges and opportunities, some universally applicable strategies can propel your business growth.

CMM Financial’s comprehensive Small Business Domination package can provide the support and resources necessary to accelerate your business's expansion.

Effective Business Growth Strategies

Below are some of the effective strategies you can implement to grow your business:

Financial Planning: Establish a robust financial plan to track your income, expenses, and financial goals. It's an essential tool for making informed decisions that foster growth.

Invest in Your Business: Investment isn't solely about injecting capital into the business.

It encompasses initiatives such as hiring new employees, investing in technology, marketing your products or services, and expanding your product lines or services.

Secure Funding: Explore various funding options like loans, grants, or crowdfunding. These resources can provide the capital needed to finance growth initiatives.

Manage Debt: If you choose to take on debt, ensure it's an amount you can comfortably repay. Understanding loan terms is vital to avoid financial pitfalls.

Maintain Accurate Records: Good record-keeping is not only necessary for tax filing but also provides insights into your financial health, aiding in decision making.

Leverage Tax Breaks: Various tax breaks are available for small businesses. Take time to research and claim any that you're eligible for to reduce tax liability.

The Role of Oklahoma City Small Business Accounting Firm CMM Financial

CMM Financial's Small Business Domination package is designed to support your business growth. Our services extend beyond basic accounting and tax preparation to strategic financial advice tailored to your business needs.

With our help, you can:

  • Negotiate better deals with your vendors

  • Implement efficient online accounting systems

  • Engage expert tax accountants

  • Invest effectively in employee training

  • Outsource non-core tasks

  • Automate financial processes to save time and increase efficiency

As your partner, CMM Financial strives to provide you with the tools, resources, and expertise necessary to navigate your growth journey, bringing you closer to your business goals.


Running a small business comes with a myriad of challenges, from the complexities of tax preparation and business planning to the intricacies of selling a business and managing cash flow effectively.

However, these challenges also present opportunities to solidify your business foundation and spur growth.

Throughout this article, we have explored the common tax mistakes that small business owners often make and how a small business accountant can help to avoid these errors.

We've also delved into the process of writing a well-structured business plan, emphasizing the importance of this critical document in achieving business objectives.

Further, we discussed the complex process of selling a business and the role that financial transparency plays in maximizing your business's value.

Importantly, we highlighted effective strategies for managing cash flow and fostering business growth.

We underscored the power of financial planning, investment, funding, debt management, record-keeping, and leveraging tax breaks in supporting your business expansion.

Running a small business is no small feat, and seeking professional help can be pivotal in navigating the complex landscape.

CMM Financial's range of services, from bookkeeping to financial strategy, is tailored to support small businesses in their journey.

Our Small Business Domination package offers comprehensive solutions that aid small business owners in overcoming challenges and harnessing opportunities for growth.

We encourage all small business owners to leverage professional help to save on taxes, manage cash flow more efficiently, and grow their businesses.

Don't traverse the entrepreneurial path alone.

Schedule a call with us at CMM Financial today, and let us help you make the most of your small business's financial landscape.

Together, we can turn your small business into a big success story.

CMM Financial

Many people and business owners spend a lot of time wondering if they are managing their day to day finances right.

At CMM financial we provide accounting services, tax preparation and CFO support to help individuals and businesses save time, and make better financial decisions.


How Do I Set Up a Tax Withholding Plan?


5 Tax-saving Tips Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know